On being an introvert

I have always believed that I was an introvert. Someone who enjoys alone time, is fine having a few close friends, and doesn’t need company all the time. This summer, I started to question if this was actually true.

Maybe I am a fake introvert. I actually yearn the company of people who will understand me.

Maybe I am afraid to get to know people. I don’t show my true personality to a lot of them.

Maybe I’m afraid to show the true “me”. I think people will judge me.

Maybe I judge other people too.

These are thoughts that everyone’s ought to have sometime in their life. What kind of relationships you want in your life, who you want to be surrounded by, what inspirations you look for, all that stuff. Basically I’m just having my quarter life crisis. As a rising senior, things like where I’ll be located after graduation, how often I will see my family, who I will spend most of my time with, what career I’m going to have, and what kind of person I want to be are overwhelming my small brain.

This is one of the reasons I made this website. This is part of my journey coming out my shell and expressing myself to the world! Although I don’t know if anyone will read this, I feel content just knowing that my thoughts are out there and I’ve expressed something that I’ve been holding in since forever.